5 COMPACT OPERATORS IN HUBERT SPACES 337 (b) Suppose E is a Hilbert space, and u is a compact self-adjoint operator. If u(x) =£ 0, show that un(x) =£ 0 for any integer n > 0, and that the sequence of positive numbers an = \\un+1(x) \\l\\if(x)\\ is increasing and tends to a limit, which is equal to the absolute value of an eigenvalue of u. Characterize that eigenvalue in terms of the canonical decomposition of x; when does the sequence of vectors u"(x)J \\un(x)\\ have a limit in E? (Use (11.5.7)0 11. Let u be a compact self-adjoint operator in a complex Hilbert space E, and let/be a complex valued function defined and continuous in the spectrum sp(w). Show that there is a unique continuous operator v such that (with the notations of (11.5.7)), the restriction of v to E(^k) (resp. E(vk), E(0)) is the homothetic mapping y ->/(/UK)J> (resp. y-*-f(yk)y9y-*'Q)' This operator is written/(w); one has (/(«))* =/(«). If g is a second function continuous in sp(#), and h—f+g (resp. h=fg), then h(u) = f(u) 4- g(u) (resp. h(u) —f(u)g(u)). In order that/(z/) be self-adjoint (resp. positive and self-adjoint), it is necessary and sufficient that /(£) be real in sp(u) (resp. /(£) ^ 0 in sp(#)); in order that /(«) be compact, it is necessary and sufficient that/(0) = 0. 12. Let u be a compact positive hermitian operator in a complex Hilbert space E. Show that there exists a unique compact positive hermitian operator u in E such that v2 = u\ v is called the square root of u. 13. Let E be a separable complex Hilbert space, (£„)«> i a Hilbert basis of E. Let u be the compact operator in E defined by u(ei) = 0, u(en) — en~i/n for n > 1. Show that there exists no continuous operator z; in E such that v2 ~ u. (Observe first that H = «*(£) is a closed hyperplane orthogonal to ei9 and that it is contained in H' = t?*(E); as H' is orthogonal to Xi = v(ei), conclude that necessarily x1==0; next consider x2 = v(e2), and observe that u(v(e2)) = 0, hence necessarily x2 = Aei, where A is a scalar; but this implies x2 = 0, hence u(e2) = 0, a contradiction.) 14. Let E be a separable complex Hilbert space, (en)n^0 a Hilbert basis, u the com- pact positive hermitian operator in E defined by u(e0) = 0, u(en) = en/n for n 5? 1. 00 The point a = ]T (